"나스카 라인" 카자흐스탄에서 발견 > 초고대문명

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"나스카 라인" 카자흐스탄에서 발견

페이지 정보

작성자 현현쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물요원 댓글 3건 조회 3,421회 작성일 10-01-10 15:51


Media outlets as well as the official government website in Kazakhstan are reporting the surprise discovery of local geoglyphs or Nazca Lines. Geoglyphs are drawings created on the ground by arranging stones or removing the top layers of earth. These designs typically cover large areas. The most famous geoglyphs are those found in the Nazca desert in Peru. These show hummingbirds, spiders, monkeys, fish, sharks, llamas, and lizards.
The Kazakhstan Geoglyphs (photo above, thanks to photojournalist N. Dorogov) appear to depict a humanoid figure wedged between two unusual structures. The drawings are located in the remote Karatau Mountains in South Kazakhstan.
Geoglyphs are of interest to UFO researchers, some of whom believe they might be messages or markers created by ancient people for the benefit of visiting extraterrestrials. It is alleged by these UFO scholars that in times of distress these were a way of asking 멣tar Gods� to return and Assist these early societies, however this hypothesis has not been proven.
It is expected that some scholars of extraterrestrial matters will claim that the being shown in the drawing might well depict an alien that once visited the area and interacted with the locals.
Kazhakstan is an area of intense UFO sightings and activity. Recently the Kazakhstan Government toyed with the idea of creating a UFO landing field and an alien embassy.

Vesti Kazakhstan Daily South Kazakhstan News


카자흐스탄공화국에서 페루의 유명한 나스카 라인과 유사한 거대한 지상그림 문양이 발견돼 화제가 됐다.

카자흐스탄 남부 카라타우 산맥 자락에 그려진 이 지상그림은 두 개의 이상한 큰 도형 그림 사이에 우주인을 닮은 생명체 형상이다.

그동안 카자흐스탄에서는 UFO 활동이 빈번하게 목격됐는데 최근 정부가 UFO 착륙장과 외계인 대사관을 건립하겠다는 구상을 발표하고 이번에도 정부가 지상그림 발견을 공식 발표하는 해프닝이 있었다.
추천5 비추천0


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