훔쳐보는 외계인? CCTV에 촬영된 '외계인 동영상' 공개 > 외 계 인

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훔쳐보는 외계인? CCTV에 촬영된 '외계인 동영상' 공개

페이지 정보

작성자 지식탐험자쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물요원 댓글 15건 조회 3,210회 작성일 08-06-02 11:43


창문 틈으로 주택 내부의 동향을 관찰하는 듯한 모습의 '외계인 동영상'이 언론의 화제에 올랐다.

지난 달 30일 폭스 뉴스, CNN 등의 보도에 따르면, '훔쳐보는 외계인 동영상'은 미국 콜로라도에 살고 있는 스탄 로마네크라는 이름의 남성의 집에서 촬영된 것. 로마네크는 "외계인이 자신을 납치하려 하고 있다"고 주장했는데, CCTV를 통해 자신의 집을 은밀히 살피는 외계인의 모습을 담은 동영상을 촬영했다는 것이다.

화면에 나타는 외계인은 키가 약 1.2m이며, 커다란 머리에 몸은 회색이다. 영화 ET에 나오는 외계인과 비슷하다는 것이 언론의 설명.

이 동영상은 미국 덴버에 살고 있는 제프 펙맨이 로마네크로부터 입수해 언론을 통해 공개되었는데, 펙맨은 덴버 시청 측에 외계인 관련 업무를 다룰 위원회를 설립해줄 것으로 정식으로 요청한 상태다. 외계인이 존재하며 조만간 모습을 사람들 앞에 모습을 드러낼 것이라는 게 '외계인 위원회' 설립을 추진하고 있는 펙맨의 주장. 시 당국이 나서 외계인의 지구 방문을 준비해야 한다는 것이 그의 설명이다.

펙맨이 공개한 '훔쳐보는 외계인 동영상'은 언론을 통해 그 모습이 보도된 후, 해외 네티즌들 사이에서도 진위 여부에 대한 논란을 낳고 있는 중이다.

(사진 : CCTV에 포착된 '훔쳐보는 외계인' / 언론 보도 화면)

팝뉴스 / 이상범 기자

<원문 보도>

Proof We're Not Alone? Judge for Yourself

First a Video Screening of a Purported E.T., Next an 'Alien Commission' in Denver

One man's alien is another man's puppet.

Jeff Peckman, a Denver resident and believer in alien life, has begun the work of putting a ballot initiative to the city's voters that would, if passed, establish an "extraterrestrial affairs commission" made up of 18 members appointed by the mayor to ensure public safety in the event that aliens -- or their vehicles, according to the ballot language -- were to arrive in the Mile High City.

Peckman has already met with the city council in a fact-finding question-and-answer meeting. He received approval from the city clerk to start going after the 4,000 signatures he needs to get his initiative on a ballot, a task he has 180 days to complete.

Before beginning that work, Peckman vowed to show a video to members of the media that he claimed has cemented his belief that aliens exist and that it would be prudent to prepare for the inevitable encounter.

"It's the best evidence I've seen," said Peckman of a roughly one-minute snippet of footage he showed this morning in Denver. "If people believe it, it's really significant."

Peckman described the footage to ABC News in these terms: "It starts out with a digital camera looking out across the room toward a window. There's a couple of flashes of light. After a few seconds, there is a small head clearly rising above a sill, panning the room, blinking its eyes, all slowly." The skin of the alien's oblong face, he said, is smooth, not wrinkled like the being in the popular film "E.T."

About 50 journalists attended the screening, including about 20 TV cameras, according to the Denver Post. Originally, Peckman said that members of the media would be required to sign waviers in which they agreed to stop rolling tape during the scene featuring the purported alien. A producer from ABC News' Denver affiliate KMGH said that Peckman buckled under pressure from skeptics and distributed a still of the supposed extraterrestrial.

The footage was originally protected because it is part of a documentary under production by Stan Romanek, another UFO believer.

While Peckman, Romanek and other experts he assembled to speak at the viewing may be convinced in the alien's authenticity, not everyone believes the footage offers irrefutable proof that we are not alone.

A Rocky Mountain News writer who blogged throughout the event reported that a Denver man came forward with a video he had created Thursday night that is a near-replica of the footage Peckman aired this morning, just to prove the video could be a hoax.

Bryan Bonner, a member of the Rocky Mountain Paranormal Research Society, said that he and his friends rented a foam latex alien from a costume shop to use as the base of their recreation. "It's so amazing that anyone would believe that video is a real space alien," Bonner told the Rocky Mountain News. "And it's so frustrating to see that they want to use city time and tax dollars on this."

Peckman said that Jerry Hofmann, a professor at the Colorado Film School, authenticated the footage. Hofmann said that he was not a believer in aliens until Romanek approached him about his footage a year ago. He concluded that, in his opinion, there is no possible way that the footage was doctored after filming. There is a chance, he said, that the alien figure might be a puppet, but only a very elaborate and expensive one. "If this was faked, it's the most elaborate fake I've ever seen," he said. "This is no 29-cent puppet."

Hofmann said that Romanek has other videos that are equally convincing, but the alien footage, which he said was shot in Nebraska in 2003 or 2004, is downright scary. That fear, he said, is exactly why the government has attempted to keep similar footage from the public.

Alien Video
Jeff Peckman, a Denver resident and believer in alien life, has begun the work of putting a ballot initiative to the city's voters that would. Today, he showed the media video footage of what he consider proof that aliens exist.
(Courtesy of Fairplay Productions/ Courtesy of Jeff Peckman (Inset) )

"I was totally skeptical when I looked at this stuff," Hofmann said. "I kept saying, 'How did he fake it?' This is a world-changing type of thing."

David Broadwell, the city attorney in Denver, said the city council does not comment collectively on "the merits" of ballot initiative efforts, adding that Peckman is in the very preliminary phase of the process. If Peckman collects his 4,000 signatures in 180 days, he will get the chance to put the issue to voters. Peckman succeeded once before in getting an initiative on the ballot, which Broadwell described generally as a promotion of peacefulness through transcendental meditation.

Charlie Brown, a Denver city councilor who has tussled with Peckman in the past, said simply, if not abrasively, that the Denver constituent needs to find a job. "We're getting ready to host the DNC in 100 days, and we have a variety of public safety issues to deal with," Brown said. "We're not exactly focused on men from Mars. One can say it's not really on our radar screen."

Brown also balked at the $75,000 Peckman originally requested to help fund the commission, an amount stripped from his final proposal. There would still be a cost, the city councilor cautioned.

"This is going to take government time, legal time from the city's attorney office; this is not free," he said, adding that public relations ridicule is one more reason the initiative is a bad idea. "Denver will be poked fun at on 'Jay Leno' or 'David Letterman.'"



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      <p>동영상 주소.  <a href="http://kr.youtube.com/watch?v=pSTcgn6IaZo&amp;feature=related" target=_blank>http://kr.youtube.com/watch?v=pSTcgn6IaZo&amp;feature=related</a></p><p>FAKE 라고 나오는데... 나도 잘 모르겠네요.  <img src="http://www.sunjang.com/alditor/emoticons/68.gif" align=absMiddle border=0 /></p>

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      외계인(그렘린종족)이 꽤 귀엽게 보이는군요..ㅋ눈을 깜빡 거리는게 말이죠..;;<br />영상 잘보았습니다.^^<img src="http://www.sunjang.com/alditor/emoticons/20.gif" align=absMiddle border=0 />

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      창문에 틀이 없는 외계인 사진은 2000년 '스탠 로마넥(Stan Romanek) 사건으로 알고 있고, 맨아래 창문에 격자틀이 있는 동영상이 이번 덴버의 제프 펙맨의 동영상으로 알고 있음.(아니라면 말해주소) <br />제프펙맨은 이 동영상이 우연이 아닌 사전에 외계인과 서로 약속하여 촬영하였다고 주장함..

지식탐험자님의 댓글

지식탐험자쪽지보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물요원 작성일

      [!--7655|1--]<img src="http://www.sunjang.com/alditor/emoticons/26.gif" align=absMiddle border=0 />  아니 저에게도 팬이?...  하여간 감사드리며 도다지님의 기대를 저 버리지 않는 지식탐험자가 되겠습니다.    도다지님께 사랑을 담아서... <img src="http://www.sunjang.com/alditor/emoticons/19.gif" align=absMiddle border=0 />

율이님의 댓글

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      창문으로 빼꼼 보이는 외계인이 정말 사랑스럽군요; 동물이나 인간이나 외계인이나 눈을 깜빡이는 모습은 무척 귀여워보이는것 같습니다

송비홍님의 댓글

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      어떻게 받아들여야 할지 진짜였음좋겠다는생각입니다 론건맨 회원되기전엔 순진하게 많이 믿었는데 가짜가 많다고 하니 이젠 신중하게 의견들을 보게됩니다  좋은자료 잘보고 갑니다 하절기건강조심하세요

ast00님의 댓글

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      창문밖으로 보여지는 외계인설정 ,.. 정말 귀엽게만 보여집니다.  밑에서 손으로 움직이는 인형같은 인상을 받았습니다.<img src="http://www.sunjang.com/alditor/emoticons/2.gif" align=absMiddle border=0 />

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