Last Night

Mineral Medicine / Healing Ancestral Energy
Mineral Medicine / Healing Ancestral Energy
US kickboxing champion and trainer Pat Miletich discussed how soil and minerals can benefit one's health and food. Followed by author Dr. Shelley Kaehr on healing with ancestral energy.


Chemical Toxins / Mediumship & EVPs
Chemical Toxins / Mediumship & EVPs

First Half: Consumer advocate and journalist David Steinman serves as director of the nonprofit Healthy Living Foundation, a public-interest environmental and consumer advocacy organization. He will reveal how popular products -- from shampoos to snack foods to cleaning products -- are contaminated with chemical toxins.

Second Half: Paranormal investigator Scott Degenhardt, specializes in solving cold cases using mediumship. He'll be joined by some of the mediums he works with to discuss cases they have worked on, their scientific proof for contact with the Other Side. They'll also share audio of EVPs they have collected.

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