Last Night

Dreaming of the Future / Campfire Tales
Dreaming of the Future / Campfire Tales
Author Andrew Paquette discussed personal experiences with precognitive dreams. Followed by author Jim Harold who shared incredible paranormal stories from his latest volume of Campfire tales.


Legacy of Karloff / Remote Viewing Techniques
Legacy of Karloff / Remote Viewing Techniques

First Half: Sara Karloff is Boris Karloff’s only child. In 1993, Sara assumed the responsibility for the persona and licensing rights relating to her famous father and formed Karloff Enterprises. She joins host Connie Willis (info) to discuss famous monsters of movieland and her role as the keeper of her father's legacy. View related videos.

Second Half: Shane Ivie is a skilled remote viewer. He was trained by some of the original personnel from the US military psychic spy program known as Star Gate. Ivie will share how he uses his extra sensory abilities with controlled remote viewing techniques to pick winning horses in the sports arena.

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