Last Night

Faith & Healing / The Power of Auras
Faith & Healing / The Power of Auras
Host of the TV show It’s Supernatural, Sid Roth, shared his exploration of faith and healing from a biblical perspective. Followed by author Dimitri Moraitis on the power and meaning of auras.


Mobsters & CIA / ETs & Ancient Egypt
Mobsters & CIA / ETs & Ancient Egypt

First Half: Author, journalist, and TV producer Thomas Maier will update his work on how two top gangsters, Johnny Roselli and Sam Giancana, were hired by the CIA to kill Cuba’s Communist leader, Fidel Castro, only to wind up murdering themselves amidst Congressional hearings.

Second Half: Dr. Michael Salla, a pioneer in the development of exopolitics and author of books exposing US government policies on ET life, will discuss his latest work on the Egyptian connection to extraterrestrials.

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