Last Night

Gemstone Wisdom / Paranormal Perspectives
Gemstone Wisdom / Paranormal Perspectives
Gemisphere founder Michael Katz discussed the healing power of gemstones and wisdom from gemstone guardians. Followed by retired psychotherapist Chuck Hall who shared his perspective for evaluating evidence of the paranormal.


Visits to Heaven / Auras & Reincarnation
Visits to Heaven / Auras & Reincarnation

First Half: Author and host of the TV show "It’s Supernatural’," Sid Roth says he has the distinction of investigating more miracles than any other living person on Earth. He joins George Noory to share testimonies from ten ordinary people who have been to Heaven-- having died and returned or had a profound vision or dream.

Second Half: One of the world's leading experts on auras, human energy, and reincarnation, Dimitri Moraitis will discuss the latest in his decades-long work with auras and how to use them as a tool for spiritual power. He'll also speak about his work with reincarnation and the afterlife.

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