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The above 1st image demonstrates two side-by-side objects in the Mars terrain. This kind of evidence is always officially identified as dust devils which of course reinforces the official mantra that Mars is a dry as dust and essentially dead world.

Some of them may very well be dust devils just as they are here on Earth. However, although dust devils can be found in a large number of areas here on Earth, remember that Earth is a world 70% covered by water making it essentially a water world and the exact opposite of dry. So remember that dust devils on Mars, just as on Earth, do not necessarily indicate a dry as dust world.

Some of these objects labeled as dust devils on Mars may also be water geysers because they look very similar. However, an admission of that might carry a suggestion that there could be real surface water presence on Mars, at least in the form of water geysers. That of course would not be desirable to a secrecy crowd now would it. That is no doubt why the first water geyser on Mars discovered in the 1970s Viking imaging by one of NASA's own Dr. Leonard J. Martin of Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, a well respected and reputable mainstream planetary scientist, was formally acknowledged as water in the official NASA record but then was down played immediately thereafter by NASA and JPL. Note my 2003 Report 052 on this.

On the other hand, on a whole world with a supposedly super dry surface, you might anticipate a lot of dust devils to be present. Sure enough along and along fairly plentiful dust devil presence is fed to us like the above. Also, just about every dark streak found in the Mars terrain, and there are a great multitude of them, is identified as the many trails of past dust devils regardless of what they may truly represent. It was even in the news recently indicating that scientist were generally agreed on this.

The only trouble is that air vortexes strong enough to create dust devils large enough to be seen in distant Mars satellite imaging by definition should leave a mark of their passing on the ground just as is claimed made the great multitude of dark streaks on Mars. Yet, very little of the evidence demonstrates this as the dust devil is in operation just as you see above.

Remember that the strong sunlight reflectivity you see in the above objects in order to be dust devils would be sunlight reflectivity off of dust and soil picked up off the ground by the vortex since the air itself is transparent. That degree of reflectivity means that the ground must be disturbed by a dust devil's passing fueling that reflectivity leaving a mark on the ground as to its path. So, if there is no mark left in the terrain, are they really water geysers being purposely misidentified as dust devils?

The answer is sometimes but not necessarily in other cases like this one. If the image resolution is decent enough to allow it to be seen, a water geyser pouring out of the ground and in the act of dumping water should have it pile up on the ground around its base and/or on the ground down wind from its point of origin. That piling up of water effect should at least leave a dark stain and/or even stronger sunlight reflectivity on the ground that we can detect and this is even more true in the MRO HiRISE large JP2 imaging with its theoretically more detailed views.

The bottom line is that, if the dark streak or otherwise disturbed ground identifying the path of the dust devils is not there and the water presence around the base of the geyser is also not there, then what is going on? That brings us back to the evidence in the above image demonstrating the side-by-side view of two of these objects officially identified as dust devil. Note my use the "dust devil" description as singular rather than plural. That's because I created the dust devil on the right. It was easy to do and it is most definitely a fake.

It took me only a few minutes in PhotoShop to figure this out and do it using dark and light smudge mimicking the original on the left even though I have never done this before and I am not remotely skilled at this sort of thing. The one on the right is my first attempt at such a fake and, if we measure looks by the original one on the left, then the fake is clearly a good one. Let's face it, if I had not identified it as a fake or labeled the image as such, few would have known the difference except to perhaps be suspicious of and question how two air vortexes could exist so close together at the same time.

However, the most likely truth here in the MRO strip is that there are two fakes here. The one on the right is admittedly mine but the original officially sanctioned "dust devil" on the left is also almost certainly a official fake. In fact, in my opinion, there are actually no dust devils or water geysers present in this terrain at all.


The above 2nd image is the JP2 version of the original dust devil. The evidence above is a little larger here but shown at only 12.5% of the JP2 original size for comparison with the 1st image scale but of course without the presence of my fake creation. I included this JP2 distant view without any work in by me to show you the terrain around the officially sanctioned "dust devil" since the JP2 image dust devil is far too large to show here in a single image that could fit here in the available report space. Even so, as you can see, there is no disturbance of the terrain ground anywhere around this object. No disturbed ground and no wet ground.

The only dark area is the supposed diffuse shadow consistent with the diffuse nature of the object. If one argues that the shadow is the dark streak or water stain, then where is the shadow of this object that is large enough, tall enough, and strong enough to be seen in distant satellite imaging? Remember that this is not an aerial shot a few hundred or thousands of feet above the target as it may appear but is distant satellite imaging a great many times further away from the target than an aerial shot.

Some may question my creation of false visual evidence? Some might surmise that, if I can produce such a real looking fake, then what might I be doing with other imaging at this website? That is why I always supply links to the official imaging so that the evidence presented can be confirmed and verified in the official data. That is also why debunkers stay away from direct confrontations with the evidence presented at this website. They know that verification of the evidence in the official data is always waiting in the wings.

That brings up another issue. If the above distant JP2 image scene is inadequate proof for you, then download the 960 MB big JP2 image at the link above or those below and examine the dust devil site background at full 100% resolution. You will find no evidence of either ground disturbance or water presence in the closest examination. That's because the original is also smudge treatment and not real. However, a representative sample of what you will find in a closer examination appears in the next image below at full resolution.


The above JP2 image is of a section of the ground at the edge and base area of the original "dust devil" object in question. Note that we can see through the edge area of the "dust devil" and poorly but adequately detect the ground below. One reason is because we are not looking through sunlight reflectivity off of dust or soil or water either for that matter but just seeing this through semi-transparent smudge treatments.

The point is that the ground under the "object" is detectable and soil disturbance or water presence are conspicuous by their absence. Doesn't look much like the kind of terrain that would feed dust and soil into an air vortex creating so much sunlight reflectivity now does it. In fact the blurry dark areas we can see fairly well look suspiciously like some kind of very poorly seen organic living growth material. Record that concept in your noggin because it will become more and more important as you proceed here.

In fact, when one expands one's search out over the rest of this JP2 image strip and at full 100% or more resolution, this impression becomes stronger and stronger. You will see this in the next 4th–8th images below. Like the birdie dangled in front of a child as misdirection to get the child's attention focused toward the camera for the photo, could it be that the object officially identified as a "dust devil" is a fake placed in this strip to attract and focus attention away from the background terrain? Perhaps a little visual misdirection?

Remember it is time consuming to download the maximum JP2 file and both time consuming and laborious to search these giant JP2 images at full resolution in a regular size computer monitor. So it is not surprising that researchers can quickly tire of doing this and open them only when they think there's something special to look at and even then only look at the "dust devil" that caught their interest. Those involved in secrecy know this and we should not be surprised that they try to capitalize on it. It is what they do.

Why do this you say? Because the other evidence in this image strip is very large and encompasses the entire big strip. That means that, in order to adequately obscure it, the resolution would have to cut so drastically that such a degree of interference in the image would be quickly detectable even by scientists, so depending entirely on that type of obfuscation alone is out. Also, the standard smudge treatments would have to be so extensive and massive that their presence would also be detectable by even the clueless and that's out.

So what does one do to obfuscate such huge size and extensive evidence reasonably effectively? While cutting resolution as much as is safe to blur details, one adds very obvious but false information into the image misdirecting attention to that and hopefully the background will be ignored and certainly not examined closer. However, when this misdirection doesn't work fully, the following images and their information is what comes through to us in spite of the attempt misdirect away from it.


The above 4th image is a JP2 image at 50% resolution. It has a little clarification and blanketing color work in it by me to bring out as much detail as possible. It demonstrates two different and distinct fields of evidence meeting at a sharply defined boundary with each other. The directional parallel evidence on the left appears to be original formations in this terrain and the evidence on the right appears to be a newer more recent invading type.

In real life, the two different fields probably are of different colors and not true to what you see with my artificial coloring. That visual color distinction would quickly identify them as organic material rather than inanimate rock and soil geology. That is why you almost never see true color images even though the cameras are capable of it and why you see only black and white or at best broad expanse false color images like mine here.

Too many of you this may just look like strange looking terrain but still terrain equating to rock and soil geology. However, if just terrain, how might you explain it?

Okay you would likely start with the easiest and that would be the directional evidence on the left. At first glance it looks similar to eroded land forms on a down slope. However, if so, look at the darker evidence in the erosion channels closer. It isn't shadow as would be the case with erosion canyons but some feathery substance that looks like growth of some kind the same as that under the "dust devil." Note also how uniformly dimpled the light color surfaces on the formations are in some kind of repeat pattern. Repeat patterns are more of a characteristic of life reproducing itself than of erosion geology.

As for the sectional evidence on the right, that may resemble once wet now dried terrain like the dried mud of an lake bed with its cracked surface. However, look closer. Note how these patterns roll over and down the slope into shadow at the boundary line between the two large fields of evidence. This evidence along this short slope is not characteristic of geological condition but is consistent with lichen type growth covering underlying geological surfaces unseen here.

In fact, note that both left and right fields above tend to be light absorbing rather than light reflective even though the sunlight here is very strong. Bare rock and soil geology would normally be much more light reflective. It is subtle but these are all clues as to what we are likely looking at here and it isn't bare rock and soil geology. Note also the absence of any real shadows and that's yet another clue.


The above 5th image provides a closer view of a portion of the 4th image scene with the directional row evidence on the left and the sectional evidence on the right. Again note that the darkness between the directional type parallel formations on the left is not dark shadow but something else that may be some kind of feathery fluffy growth.

It is in fact the same dark feathery looking evidence visible but blurry in the 3rd image at the base area of the so called dust devil. Also note the consistent uniform pattern of dimpling on the surfaces of the directional evidence. Again this kind of repeating pattern is more consistent with life than inanimate geology.


The above 6th image is of a nearby terrain location panning to the right of the 5th image scene and over into the primarily sectional evidence covered terrain. Note how the sectional evidence along the left side of the image transforms visually as the eye moves to the right in the image. See how it begins to look in the transition more like matted fur on an animal. Notice in the top area of the image just slightly right of center the lighter color dimpled surface that is partially exposed peaking through the mat evidence suggesting that this is the type of evidence that is under the mat.

This is a reoccurring theme with this evidence. It seems that the lighter color dimpled surface directional evidence occupied this terrain first and dominated but now the sectional evidence is invading and making massive inroads into it and its territory. Even though the sectional evidence looks so tight and compact in the 4th and 5th images to the right of the boundary, the feathery furry looking evidence in the above 6th image is in my opinion the same sectional evidence just with a different look.

I'm satisfied that the sectional evidence, either in the tight compact sectional look at the boundary or the soft feathery look further to the right, is almost certainly colony life of some kind invading and covering over the lighter color directional evidence in its parallel formations. I suspect that the mat looking evidence is actually the sectional evidence in a more aggressive configuration. In this feathery mat configuration, it invades up in the canyons between the directional formations as well as finishing covering over large areas of the directional evidence as you see above.

Of course I could be wrong. The directional evidence could just be land form geology eroded by unique Mars conditions and chemistry forming the uniform dimpled surfaces. What works against that consideration is the fact that the directional evidence has that uniform dimpled surface that is very repetitively uniform and over many broad surface areas in varying ground conditions from slopes to lowlands in this big image strip.

Where ever it is at life tends to replicate itself over and over again according to its genetic coding while the look of geology is the result of many random events occurring in its environment impacting and shaping it. That works against repetitive uniformity from one different location site type to another. Further, even if the directional evidence is geology, there is still the sectional evidence and its aggressive growth stage and behavior that I am more than satisfied is life.



The above 7th and 8th images are of a different location in the lower left of the JP2 strip with the 7th image being a wider context view and 8th image providing a closer look of a section of the 7th image. Once again the same type of evidence is demonstrated with the same type of invasion situation but in a different location in the strip.

As with the 4th and 5th images, I chose this second location because it again demonstrates a transition point from one type of evidence to another. Above this point of view is extensive directional evidence and below it is more pronounced sectional evidence. Further, if you will look very closely, you'll be able to see that the feathery mat look in these two images is wanting to form into the tighter sectional evidence look but just can't quite make it demonstrating that they are one and the same.

Another observation that I'll make here is that, even though the directional evidence terrain is still being invaded by the sectional evidence in the canyons between the forms, the directional evidence above this point seems to operate better and be more free of the sectional evidence when an upward slope becomes more pronounced. The further up slope one moves in these presented scenes, the more free the directional evidence is of this invasive sectional material.

Note that in these images the sectional evidence seems to make its first inroads into the field of directional evidence by moving up in canyons between the parallel directional formations and spreading out over the formations from these positions along the sides. This in turn suggests that there is a crack or valley between the directional formations that the sectional evidence is invading and filling. That in turn may suggest that there may be some water presence on the slopes and the sectional evidence is taking advantage of its more available presence in these valleys between the huge directional formations.

This in turn suggests that the sectional evidence does better in the lower terrain levels where moisture, if any is present at all, could be anticipated to be a bit more plentiful collecting at the base area of slopes. An investigation of the lower level terrain in the JP2 image confirms that this is true and that the sectional evidence is more prevalent there. However, even where the sectional evidence dominates, it seems to be doing so on top of the directional evidence and that suggests that the directional evidence was in times past first here in this place and dominated.

The fact that the directional evidence also has a massive presence in the lowlands being covered by the sectional evidence as well as on the slopes suggests that it is some kind of massive life form unique to Mars rather than being just eroded geological land forms on slopes. I mention this because it may be easy for some to dismiss the directional evidence in just a quick superficial examination as eroded land forms when one now sees it visible primarily on the terrain slopes .

So, as you look closer at the terrain evidence that serves as a background for the "dust devil" evidence, it begins to become more evident that this type of more level terrain is just not really conducive to feeding surface soil or dust into a dust devil that is so strong and big that it can be easily seen in this distant resolution compromised satellite imaging and would easily qualify as a big tornado. Yet it leaves no signs of disturbance of its passing on the ground.

For most researchers the presence of a officially sanctioned "dust devil" like this one is a misdirection distraction bending attention away from the image background. For the more suspicious researcher, its presence is a red flag signaling the researcher to look closer at the obvious object and then fan out over the rest of the image with a more objective view.

It is the difference between the comfort of the consensus building herding instinct and a maverick presence trying to think outside the box. You must decide for yourself which is the more productive approach as well as who may be full of it and who isn't.

Joseph P. Skipper, Investigator

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